The enrolment process involves filling out a few forms and getting a copy of your driver’s license, medical certificate, passport or birth certificate ++ if applicable, any pilot certificates. It is a simple process and takes about 15 minutes.
Simulator Facts That May Affect You
If you are planning to start your career as a Certified Flight Instructor, Special Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR) No 73 states that in order to teach in a Robinson R22/R44, you NEED 200 hours of flight time in a helicopter. If you received training with a simulator, while valuable, you may find that you need to pay for additional flight hours in order to meet the 200 flight hour requirement.
Our training programs include ONLY actual flight hours, not simulator training. If you are seeking training elsewhere that offers simulator training, be sure to also ask for pricing that includes actual flight hours.
Flight Training
Is it easier to get an airplane license first, and then add-on the helicopter rating?
No, this is a common myth. Getting an airplane license first does not make the helicopter learning process easier. As a fixed wing pilot, you will already be familiar with certain subject areas such as weather, FAR’s and radio calls; however, getting an airplane license first does not make the helicopter learning process easier. If you plan on only flying helicopters, it is suggested to do helicopter training only. Ultimately, this will save you both time and money.
How long does training take, from start to finish?
The length of your training will depend upon the frequency with which you choose to fly! Typically, a full-time student trains five days a week. Using this lesson schedule, a full-time student will obtain their Private Pilot Certificate in about six to eight weeks.
How often do I attend training?
Training is done at the student’s own pace. Since training is conducted on a one-on-one basis, each student can determine how often he/she would like to schedule, whether it is one day a week or five days a week.
I have a full-time job, when will I get to fly?
HeliStream has CFIs available 7 days a week. You can fly on the weekends, before or after work, and in the evenings. We will try to match you with an instructor that best fits your schedule.
How long are the training sessions?
Students are scheduled, on average, in three hour blocks. This allows for approximately one hour of ground instruction, one and a half hours of flight instruction, and one-half hour for the pre-flight and post-flight critique.
What are FAA minimum requirements?
FAA minimum requirements are the minimum requirements a student needs in order to obtain a specific certificate or rating. For example, the FAA minimum requirement for a Private Pilot Certificate is 40 hours of flight training. It is important to note, however that minimums are just that, minimums. The average student takes approximately 60 hours to complete the Private Pilot Course. Please keep in mind, most students do require flight instruction above and beyond the FAA minimum flight time requirements.
Is the ground training conducted in groups?
There are no group classes. All training is conducted on a private one-on-one basis, with the student and his/her Certified Flight Instructor.
Will I ever have to wait for a helicopter or instructor to be available?
No! HeliStream has 16 Certified Flight Instructors, and a large fleet of aircraft, which assures students they will never have to wait for a lesson.
When can I start my training?
HeliStream has an open enrollment program, which means you can start whenever you like. You do not have to wait for a registration period or start date.
Are you a Part 61 or Part 141 school?
Both! HeliStream is a FAA approved Part 141 School, however we do sometimes operate under Part 61 in order to provide a more flexible training program for the student.
Do you offer an introductory flight?
Yes, we offer demo-rides. Our demo-ride typically consists of one hour of flight instruction. Within this hour, you will be taught the helicopter’s 3 basic controls and you will actually fly, learning some basic flight maneuvers.
Contact Us
John Wayne Airport
3000 Airway Ave
Suite 350
Costa Mesa, CA 92626 USA
PH: (714) 662-3163
Email Us