Advanced Helicopter Pilot Training
Advanced Helicopter Pilot Training or specialized helicopter pilot training courses make you a safer, more capable pilot and a more competitive job candidate. HeliStream offers on-going helicopter pilot training in advanced courses to help prepare you for the job market, whether in California or another part of the world.
Why Pursue Advanced Helicopter Pilot Training?
Additional helicopter pilot training can increase your marketability in the competitive job market in California and throughout the US. For example, you may be competing with more experienced pilots who are less qualified when interviewing for jobs. Obtaining new skills can:
- Make you safer!
- Add to your flight hours
- Reinforce your skills
- Increase self-confidence
- Bring you up to date on flight regulations and policies
- Give your resume more substance
- Increase marketability in a competitive job market
HeliStream offers several advanced and specialized training courses to enhance your piloting skills. These helicopter pilot training courses provide the ground and flight training you need to succeed as a helicopter pilot not only in California, but wherever you find opportunity. They include the following:
- Turbine Transition Course
- External Load Course
- High Altitude Mountain Course
- Increase self-confidence
- Pilot Refresher Course
- NVG (Night Vision Goggle) Course
In addition to job marketability in California, pilots need additional helicopter pilot training in order to maintain or regain proficiency in multiple makes & models of helicopters. Our Pilot Refresher Course can be completed using a number of helicopter models, including:
- Airbus AS350 B2/B3/B3e
- Airbus EC120
- Bell Helicopter B205 and B212
- McDonald Douglas MD500
- Robinson R22 and R44
About The Pilot Refresher Course
A: Our Pilot Refresher Course includes 3 hours of flight training and 8 hours of ground training. During the 8 hours of ground instruction, you will re-familiarize yourself with the systems to include the airframe and engine, main and tail rotors, flight controls, transmission and drive train, fuel, hydraulic and electrical systems. Understanding and reviewing the mechanics of a helicopter makes you a safer, more conscientious pilot. The ground training portion also covers limitations and emergency procedures, VFR flight rules, and a review of previous accidents and lessons learned in a class room discussion environment.
Within the flight training portion of the course proper application of normal, abnormal and emergency procedures will be reviewed. The pilot will develop increased confidence in his ability to maneuver the aircraft and land safely should an unforeseen malfunction or emergency occur. Combined with normal procedures practice, the pilot will conclude the course with a well rounded skill set applicable to that make and model. During the three hours of flight training, you will perform and practice specific maneuvers and procedures including:
- Preflight procedures
- Airport and heliport operations
- Hovering manuevers
- Normal traffic pattern operations
- Special operations including off-airport
- Abnormal and emergency procedures
During HeliStream’s helicopter pilot training refresher course here in California, you will perform emergency flight procedures in simulated scenarios, to include Full Touch Down Autorotations, Simulated Engine Failure, Hydraulic Failure and Simulated Tailrotor Malfunctions to touchdown.
Q: How do I complete the Pilot Refresher Course?
A: The Pilot Refresher Course is a continuous process of evaluation and training. Your Instructor will evaluate your knowledge and skill and give training to correct errors and improve deficiencies during every lesson. The final lesson will include an end of course evaluation based on objective completion standards for the grade of pilot certificate held. Your flight skills after receiving helicopter pilot training will equal or exceed the standards contained in the appropriate FAA Practical Test Standards.
In order to continue to be qualified and safe to exercise the privileges of their certificate, pilots must be committed to continued education throughout their careers.
Regular attendance at HeliStream’s Helicopter Pilot Refresher Course in Southern California will assure you meet this important goal. HeliStream is the best training resource in California for both beginner and seasoned helicopter pilots.
Please note: Courses can be altered to accommodate specific agencies needs and/or requirements.
Contact Us
John Wayne Airport
3000 Airway Ave
Suite 350
Costa Mesa, CA 92626 USA
PH: (714) 662-3163
Email Us